Dave Doyle


Fifteen years combined experience in managing technical staff and in developing web- and desktop-based, with a focus on UI design, User Experience and educational software development. Experience with managing multiple teams of up to 30 IT professionals spread across multiple locations. Excellent troubleshooting and communication skills, with a strong ability to handle changing organizational needs. Proven ability to listen to all stakeholders, turn their ideas into a set of solid, achievable requirements and ultimately deliver a usable, finished product.

Skills include:

  • IT management
  • UI Architecture
  • Software development
  • Usability analysis
  • Feasibility analysis / projections
  • Internet technologies / e-commerce
  • Work plans, budgets & resource planning
  • Technology needs assessment
  • UI design / IA
  • Team building and leadership
  • Professional Experience

    Riverbed Technology, Cambridge, MA
    Feb. 2009 - present
    UI Architect
    • Served as sole UI Architect for a team of up to 12 developers, located in several regional offices.
    • Lead analysis of code grown over 10 years and designed a complete multi-year iterative revamp.
    • Served as usability expert, creating wireframes to fully functional prototypes.
    • Create specifications, vision, and best practices documents. Developed high-level code in JavaScript and PHP
    • Was a primary contributor on several patents
    Mazu Networks, Cambridge, MA
    Feb. 2007 - Feb. 2009
    UI Software Engineer
    • Front-end development for a web-based scalable network reporting and analysis system.
    • Improved code stability, usability and code design.
    • Worked with customers, support, and developers from multiple teams.
    Thomson West, Eagan, MN
    Mar. 2003 - Jan. 2007
    Lead UI Software Engineer
    • Led User Interface development for internally used integrated application suite.
    • Managed team of up to seven UI developers, working with numerous categories of users.
    • Ensured development stayed on-track for multiple overlapping release schedules.
    • Managed usability improvements to existing and newly engineered software.
    • Created requirements, wireframes, interaction diagrams, style guidelines and software vision documents; led user group brainstorming, focus groups, demos and usability testing.
    Design Science, St. Paul, MN
    Mar. 2001 - Mar. 2003
    Senior Software Engineer
    • Designed and developed MathPlayer mathematical rendering software and supporting programs and scripts.
    • Created commercial educational software that integrated with Internet Explorer and leveraged multiple technologies.
    • Developed an internationally renowned web-based test suite for the Internet standards committee (W3C).
    • Gathered requirements and worked with sales and President/V.P.s to develop new products.
    Innuity, Minneapolis, MN
    Mar. 2000 - Mar. 2001
    Software Development Project Manager
    • Managed the changing requirements of an IT department experiencing phenomenal growth
    • Performed assessments software, hardware and personnel needs
    • Provided detailed technical analysis of all projects, in order to keep them on time and budget.
    • Managed cross-functional teams of developers, DBAs, web designers and systems engineers, located in several offices around the country.
    • Successfully managed dozens of concurrent small- to large-scale projects

    Other Related Experience

    • Created an educational website for the U of MN Vet School (1.5 years)
    • Consultant to several educational groups building web-based and desktop applications. (2 years)
    • Developed educational websites for college computer classes (2 years)
    • Trained hospital staffs on- and off-site in use of a new computer-based tracking application. (1 year)
    • Participated in and presented at an international symposium in Education Psychology sponsored by the Consortium of Courseware Engineers


    Master of Science in Computer Science
    Emphasis in HCI
    University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology
    Master of Arts in Educational Psychology
    Emphasis in educational software and learning via computers
    University of Minnesota, College of Education
    Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
    University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology


    Service Network Discovery (US 8725859 B2) 2011
    User Interface For Network Events and Tuning (US 20100031156 A1)2008

    Technical Expertise

    Programming Languages/Technologies
    Perl, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, XML/XSL, AJAX, CSS, C/C++, UNIX, Windows, MySQL, PostgreSQL, web services, HTTP, DNS, TCP/IP

    Applications Software
    Visio, JBuilder, eclipse, Dreamweaver, PhotoShop, Apache, WebStorm, Subversion

    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), web development, distance education, e-commerce, security, usability analysis/standards, focus groups, requirements, wireframes, internet research, web standards,